Mulligan Concept

By Brian R. Mulligan F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip MT

Manual therapy techniques aim at treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Brian Mulligan has developed Mobilization with Movement method which proves to be extremely effective in treatment of restricted or frozen joints.

Mulligan’s mobilizations produce rapid results which is very gratifying for both the therapist and the patient.  Some of the joints like arthritic and painful knees, frozen shoulders, sprained or arthritic ankles respond well and quickly to Mulligan’s mobilization.

He also designed excellent techniques for regaining mobility in a very stiff neck which is very helpful for older people with ongoing osteoarthritis.

Brian Mulligan has over 50 years of experience treating patients and teaching his practices. His techniques, when indicated and used, usually bring about immediate improvement in the patient’s condition.

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